Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Change is A-Coming

I'm trying not to be bitter, really I am. I confess that John McCain didn't really strike me as the best possible candidate for President, but he was certainly better than Obama in my eyes. And while I didn't think "my" side had much of a chance of winning I still got out there and voted. So now what? My first instinct is to be afraid but God tells me very directly in His word "Do not fear." I know that Obama only won because God allowed it and I know that God has everything in His control. Now if I can only convince my heart to be still and know.

Life at my house is mass chaos right now. Our friend Tracy has temporarily moved in with us, along with her three children (ages 7, almost 2 and almost 2 - yep, twins). We've been friends for 5 years now and when things got tough out there in Vegas she finally agreed to come here, after we nagged her repeatedly for a many months. We're happy to have her and the kids close by but I'd be lying if I said it was easy to go from a family of five to a group of nine. God has been faithful and so far we've not wanted for anything. Tomorrow she has two interviews and I would be shocked if she does not get an offer for at least one of those positions. She's a smart girl with excellent experience in the insurance industry and won't go unemployed for long. One of the best parts has been seeing Karis and Harper enjoy being together. Those two have been friends since the age of two, as I wrote in an earlier post. I think Christmas this year is going to be a blast! And when the time comes for Tracy and the kids to move into their own place, it's going to seem so quiet around here. Dana is planning to move into a dorm at USC-Upstate in January and when Tracy goes we will be reduced from 9 to 4.

The only constant in life is change and change would have come no matter which candidate won the office of President. I'm not sure I can sincerely pray for Obama just yet but God's working on me to get me there. Just another change coming my way...

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