Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Me and Jesus

I just love the song by Stellar Kart called "Me and Jesus", because it talks about community and friendship as I think maybe God intended it to be. "Someone loves you, even when you don't think so; don't you know you've got me and Jesus?" What a blessing to know that you have friends around who will not judge you, who will instead love you with the love of Christ! Judging is easy; loving people in spite of who they are is hard, but if it was easy we wouldn't need God's help to do it, I guess.

I don't know why I'm getting all soppy and sentimental today. I just want my friends to know that no matter what goes on in their lives, they'll always have me and Jesus. Yes, I do reserve the right to tell you when I think you're heading in the wrong direction. I will try to be open-minded when you tell ME that I'm heading the wrong way. None of us is any better than anyone else - we are all sinners. It says so right there in Romans. Likewise we are all children of God. Christ died for ALL of us, the murderer and the saint. We are all equal under the cross.

I'm really burdened today for the Mortality Room - Choices? production at LifeSong. Anytime you try to do something good for the Lord the enemy is going to try to mess it up so maybe we should consider it a good sign that he's working really hard to try to sabotage this thing. Spiritual warfare is going on all over the place and we all need to be praying against it. That sounds like theological-speak but what I take it to mean is that we need to just pray. Pray for the cast, for the church, for the people who will come to see it, for Larry (has he slept in the past week?), for the lighting and tech crew, for anyone remotely connected to the production, and pray for their protection. God isn't sitting there waiting for you to get all the words right - He just wants to hear your heart.

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