Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Things I've Learned

I like to think I'm pretty honest with myself about myself. There's no point in trying to hide my flaws anyway, because they are usually on full display without me even trying. We had a friend living with us for four months, along with her three children, and I learned some valuable lessons in that time, especially about myself. Those of you who know me probably knew all this stuff already, but humor me.

1. I'm not as patient as I thought I was. I really thought I had a handle on my impatience, but apparently not. That's what I get for relying on MY control instead of letting God be in control.

2. And the corollary to #1: I can be so hypercritical at times. You know the verse about removing the plank from your own eye before you try to remove the speck from your brother's eye? God was talking to me. Who am I that I think other people should follow my example? Why do we always think our way is best? Why (unless it's Biblical) does there have to be only one way to do things?

3. Most situations are easy enough in the short term but can get more and more complicated as time goes by. We enjoy having friends come to visit us, say, over a weekend. I can deal with most anything for 48 hours - crying babies, extra messes, feeding a crowd, being thoughtful - but once someone has been here over a week my tolerance starts to deteriorate.

4. On the other hand, I can tolerate more than I thought I could. Thanks to some good friends with excellent listening skills, I managed to keep a lid on my mean mouth for four months. Don't get me wrong, our houseguest was not particularly hard to live with. It's just that when you get used to your house being a certain way (furniture arrangements, cleanliness standards, where you put your daily "stuff") it can knock you off guard to have to change all that and my best weapon is sarcasm. It sure doesn't make people like you to get all snarky on them so I learned it's best to keep my mouth shut and get over it.

5. Despite my smart mouth, I avoid confrontation whenever possible. This one bothers me. As a bona fide Choleric, I tend toward the bold and brassy in my relationships. Why, then, was I so reluctant to speak my mind when things came up that needed addressing? Probably because I was afraid of coming across as critical. Probably also because I knew from experience how my efforts would be received, and I simply did not want to go there. And so....

6. ...I have a great future in the United Nations. I can't believe I found myself in the position of peacemaker! Trying to keep everyone happy and protect feelings was a full-time job. And I mean the kids AND the adults!

7. I don't want any more children. You might think this was a no-brainer, but up until October I still half-entertained the idea that someday I might want to adopt again. Let's just say I was keeping my options open. Jon wasn't on board (yet) but I figured he might come around if it was something God wanted for us. Having two year old twins here for four months has totally cured me. I still love babies and I am thrilled to hold them, rock them and smell their sweet baby smell, but until Dana gives me grandchildren (in about 10 years) working in the nursery will give me my baby fix.

8. I love my husband! I was divorced for about four years before Jon and I got married and I know what it's like to be the sole parent in the household. It's a lonely and difficult job, even on the best day. Despite his imperfections, Jon is one of the best things that has ever happened to me and I know without a shadow of a doubt that our marriage is a gift from God. I know I am nowhere near an easy person to live with, but somehow he muddles along and keeps loving me just the way I am. That's a man letting God love through him. It's supernatural, I tell you.

9. No matter how rotten they can be, I wouldn't trade my kids for any other kids on the planet. Again, it sounds like a no-brainer but you wouldn't believe how many times I've heard parents wish aloud that their child was like so-and-so's kid. Not me. Four months of observing someone else's children up close has convinced me that God knows exactly what he's doing when he places a child into a family. My kids need me and I need them. They're not perfect, but they're mine. I imagine God feels the same way about some of His children.

10. I am honored and humbled to be associated with the people of LifeSong Church. We have some of the most giving and loving people in South Carolina, if not the world, and they welcomed our friend in many wonderful ways.

11. And lastly.... I'd do it all over again. Despite the aggravations (on all sides, not just mine), it was SO worth it.

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